Show the Ruler in Word - Instructions - TeachUcomp, Inc.

Show the Ruler in Word - Instructions - TeachUcomp, Inc.

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- Insert ruler in microsoft word 2016 free 



- Insert ruler in microsoft word 2016 free


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Show the ruler in Microsoft Word


By default a ruler shows above the editing area in Microsoft Word, which helps you measure the indents or spacing easily.

See the following screen shot:. Actually you can insert and view such a ruler in Microsoft Outlook too, which has similar editor as that in Microsoft Word. Here we will show you how to insert and view ruler in Microsoft Outlook easily.

If you are using Microsoft Outlook or , it is quite easy to show or hide the ruler in the Message window. And you can do it as following:. Step 2: Click the Ruler button at the top of vertical scroll bar in the Message window. Then the ruler displays between the message header and message body immediately. In Microsoft Outlook the ruler button is hidden.

If you need to view the ruler, it is required to add this button into the Quick Access Toolbar firstly. Step 1: Create a new email message with clicking the New Email button in the New group on the Home tab.

Step 4: In the Choose commands from: box, please select the All Commands. Step 8: Click the Ruler button, and then the ruler appears between the message header and message body at once. Note: The other languages of the website are Google-translated. Back to English. Log in. Remember me. About Us Our team. How to insert and view ruler in Outlook? See the following screen shot: Actually you can insert and view such a ruler in Microsoft Outlook too, which has similar editor as that in Microsoft Word.

Read More Quick Report, Count Selected Mails Enable you to do smarter, faster and better in Outlook. Download Now Oldest First. Sort comments by. Newest First. Comments 5. No ratings yet. Be the first to rate! This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site. For outlook , if you don't see "Ruler" when you are on the Quick Access Toolbar step, in the Choose commands from pulldown, select "All Commands" and its there in the list.

Exact information. Searched for what i wanted and got it just as i wanted! I've installed the ruler in my Outlook But it only has one 'arrow' bottom one , not two top and bottom like in Word. Any advive? There are no comments posted here yet. Leave your comments. Posting as Guest. Name Required. Email Required. Rate this post:. Suggested Locations. I agree to the terms and condition.

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